An Archipelago

An archipelago is a stretch of sea containing many islands. This is a useful analogy for visualizing internet platforms – which simultaneously connect and isolate people and places. “an archipelago” considers landscapes and building forms as an expansion of this analogy, and then facilitates new content (and connections) as a result. This installation consists of vacuum formed landscapes and structures, hand screen printed plinth, animated vignettes, and custom audio. The piece hangs from a ceiling at various heights and allows users to “pop-up” inside the pod structures where custom audio tracks are played. Closed circuit and wifi/ web cameras stream and project various localized and internet interactions onto the pod structures. The result is a thematic performance infrastructure which is allows intimate engagement with various types of media across a vast ocean of internet.

Collective: Big Models in collaboration with Michael Demps

Role: Screen printing, animation


Ann Arbor Undercommons


A Letter From Detroit