The Design Justice Network challenges the ways that design and designers can harm those who are marginalized by systems of power.

Since 2015 I’ve been involved with the formation of this network and its guiding principles that were officially established in 2016. Today it has 3000 signatories internationally and nodes on 5 continents. The network supports design practitioners working on the intersections of social justice and has lead to breakthroughs in UX/UI, engineering, music, and healthcare.

We use design to imagine and build the worlds we need to live in — worlds that are safer, more just, and more sustainable. We advance practices that center those who are normally excluded from and adversely impacted by design decisions in design processes.

We do this by following processes and creating work that is rooted in shared principles of design justice, growing our network of design practitioners and advocates, convening to maintain and deepen our connections, creating critical publications, and curating exhibitions.

Role: Founder, Steering Committee Member, Events & Programming, Grant Writing

listen: DevDiscuss Season 7 Episode 4

Should we all be thinking about design justice?


web model dot space


Manger on McNicols